(readme.txt) MAPIT (v 2.0) Allison Software 166 Shady Lane Apollo, PA 15613 USA e-mail: jallison@kiski.net http://home.kiski.net/~jallison/mapit.htm Installing MAPIT: The first time you run it, MAPIT will create a special directory structure under the current directory of your harddrive. Assuming that you unzipped MAPIT20.ZIP in a directory called MAPIT, your harddrive will contain the following structure: MAPIT - executables and data DBFS - point data .dbf's DBQS - queries and supporting .dbf's EXAMPLES - supporting data for examples Run MAPIT by entering "mapit": C:\MAPIT> mapit MAPIT will open the DEMO.MP3 file and use it as data. Furthermore, MAPIT will open EXTENDED.MP3 to display the Columbus Demo. When you're tired of it, delete EXTENDED.MP3. Like a dismembered star fish, EXTENDED.MP3 will be regenerated as a null length file the next time you run MAPIT. A Quick Demo: MAPIT comes up in the Standard World View the first time you run. to zoom in on the Gulf of Mexico. (You are tabbing backward through a two-level history.) again to zoom in on Florida. Click to check "DISPLAY/All Features" and click "ZOOM/To Std World" to return to the beginning but with maximum features displayed. Again twice. After you've cycled through this simple demonstration, you may want to reduce the number of Features DISPLAYed and begin experimenting by "ZOOMing/In by Corners" and using the , , and arrow keys as outlined in MAPIT.DOC. "ZOOM/To Std World" and check out the Columbus Demo. To look up locations in MAPIT's database, select TOOLS/Database/Lookup/City Gazetteer, enter "Saint" in City, click on Lookup/More twice, select Saint Petersburg, FL or any other city from the list of matches, and click on Return & Display. MAPIT will redisplay centered on that location. the redisplay and ZOOM/To Factor x entering 300. Documentation: For documentation derived from the MAPIT Manual, see: MAPIT7.DOC for a Word for Windows (V 7) version, MAPIT.DOC for a Windows 95 WordPad version (lacks tables and proper spacing), MAPIT.TXT contains a straight text version (pretty terrible). MAPIT's examples are featured at http://home.kiski.net/~jallison/mapit.htm